以下是高頓網(wǎng)校小編為學(xué)員整理的:ACCA P1-P3模擬題及解析。
  Blackcutt is a local government organisation whose financial statements are prepared using Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards.
  (a)Blackcutt wishes to create a credible investment property portfolio with a view to determining if any property may be considered surplus to the functional objectives and requirements of the local government organisation. The following portfolio of property is owned by Blackcutt.
  Blackcutt owns several plots of land. Some of the land is owned by Blackcutt for capital appreciation and this may be sold at any time in the future. Other plots of land have no current purpose as Blackcutt has not determined whether it will use the land to provide services such as those provided by national parks or for short-term sale in the ordinary course of operations.
  The local government organisation supplements its income by buying and selling property. The housing
  department regularly sells part of its housing inventory in the ordinary course of its operations as a result of changing demographics. Part of the inventory, which is not held for sale, is to provide housing to low-income employees at below market rental. The rent paid by employees covers the cost of maintenance of the property.(7 marks)
  (b) Blackcutt has outsourced its waste collection to a private sector provider called Waste and Co and pays an annual amount to Waste and Co for its services. Waste and Co purchases the vehicles and uses them exclusively for Blackcutt’s waste collection. The vehicles are painted with the Blackcutt local government organisation name and colours. Blackcutt can use the vehicles and the vehicles are used for waste collection for nearly all of the asset’s life. In the event of Waste and Co’s business ceasing, Blackcutt can obtain legal title to the vehicles and carry on the waste collection service. (6 marks)
  (c) Blackcutt owns a warehouse. Chemco has leased the warehouse from Blackcutt and is using it as a storage facility for chemicals. The national government has announced its intention to enact environmental legislation requiring property owners to accept liability for environmental pollution. As a result, Blackcutt has introduced a hazardous chemical policy and has begun to apply the policy to its properties. Blackcutt has had a report that the chemicals have contaminated the land surrounding the warehouse. Blackcutt has no recourse against
  Chemco or its insurance company for the clean-up costs of the pollution. At 30 November 2012, it is virtually certain that draft legislation requiring a clean up of land already contaminated will be enacted shortly after the year end. (4 marks)
  (d)On 1 December 2006, Blackcutt opened a school at a cost of $5 million. The estimated useful life of the school was 25 years. On 30 November 2012, the school was closed because numbers using the school declined unexpectedly due to a population shift caused by the closure of a major employer in the area. The school is to be converted for use as a library, and there is no expectation that numbers using the school will increase in the future and thus the building will not be reopened for use as a school. The current replacement cost for a library of equivalent size to the school is $2·1 million. Because of the nature of the non-current asset, value-in-use and net selling price are unrealistic estimates of the value of the school. The change in use would have no effect on the estimated life of the building. (6 marks)
  Discuss how the above events should be accounted for in the financial statements of Blackcutt.
  Note: The mark allocation is shown against each of the four events above.
  Professional marks will be awarded in question 3 for the clarity and quality of the presentation and discussion.(2 marks)(25 marks)
