CAT - Introductory level考試時間2小時,50道題,2分/題100分滿分,55分及格,只有MCQ單選題Each exam is of two hours‘ duration; contains 50 questions; is out of 100 marks with a pass mark of 55%; and contains two-mark MCQ‘s only? CAT - Intermediate Level考試時間2小時50道題,2分/題, 100分滿分,50分及格? MCQ單選題,連線題,多選題,填空題
Each exam is of two hours‘ duration; contains 50 questions; is out of 100 marks with a pass mark of 50%; and contains question types: MCQ‘s, multiple response questions, multiple response matching questions, and number entry questions - all worth two marks
ACCA Qualification (F1-F3)/MSER exams MMA and MFA考試時間2小時50道題,40道2分題+10道1分題90分滿分,達對50%通過。1分或2分的MCQ單選題,1分或2分的多選題,2分的連線題,2分填空題。
Each exam is of two hours duration; contains 50 questions (40 two-mark questions and 10 one-mark questions); is out of 90 marks with a pass mark of 50%; and contains question types: one and two mark MCQ‘s, one and two-mark multiple response questions, two-mark multiple response matching questions and two-mark number entry questions.
- 贊216