  4 Pre-emption rights
  Main rule
  4.1 Where any company (public or private) issues equity shares WHOLLY FOR CASH, it must first offer them to existing equity shareholders in proportion to the nominal value of their equity holding: 
  Notification of shareholders
  4.2 Holders of registered shares must receive notice in writing.
  Period of offer
  4.3 (a) The offer must be open for at least 21 days.
  (b) No allotment may be made until:
  (i) the offer period has expired or
  (ii) every offer made has been accepted or refused 
  Private company exclusions. 
  4.4 Private companies will not be bound   if their memorandum or articles specifically exclude it.
  Disapplication of pre-emption rights 
  4.5 (a) If directors have either a general or specific authority to allot shares, then the company by special resolution may overrule or modify the rights.
  (b) This may require a written statement by the directors to be circularised with notice of the meeting.
  (c) Time limit on disapplication:
  (i) Unlisted – 5 years
  (ii) Listed – 15 months
  Breach of rules
  4.6 If securities are issued in breach of these rules, the members may recover loss from those in default – time limit two years.
