許多準備參加ACCA P4考試的考生都會比較關注所報科目的歷年通過率情況,在碰到P階段選修科目的時候更是希望選擇歷年通過率都比較高的科目來考。其實,通過率只是一個方面,并不能完全代表整體的情況,考生在報考和學習的時候并不用太過關注通過率這個問題。
  下面我們來看一下官方公布的*7的ACCA P4考試通過率的情況。
  可以看出,ACCA P4科目的通過率相對P1-P3來說降低了許多,可見進入了選修科目階段,考試難度上升了不止一個檔次,從原來50%左右的通過率直接降到40%不到。
  ACCA P4分值構成情況:
  There are two sections to the exam.
  Section A contains ONE compulsory question of 50 marks.
  Section B is a choice of TWO from three questions, each carrying 25 marks. There are 3 hours for the exam, plus 15 minutes of reading time.
  Most of the questions are mainly calculation, although there are a fair number of written sections in each. One of the three choice questions is always completely written.
  相信大家看完以后對于ACCA P4考試的通過率也有所了解了,趕快投身到學習當中去吧!