各位浙江省的考生注意:如果你想要參加美國注冊會計師考試的話,一定要提前制定復習計劃。 美國注冊會計師協會(AICPA)成立于1887年,根據AICPA協會*7出具的2013財年年度報告顯示,2013年AICPA會員人數已經突破了36萬人,達到了362016人,2005年時,AICPA會員人數就已經達到了327135人,8年時間內,會員人數增長了近4萬人。在一個多世紀的歷程中,AICPA已成為當今世界上最富影響力的會計職業(yè)組織。 美國注冊會計師協會提醒正在準備考AICPA的考生,一定要及早做計劃,無論是要復習考試的內容還是準備評估材料、接到評估結果、申請NTS都是要花費時間的,因此考生一定要早計劃、早準備。原文如下: You should schedule your examination appointments as soon as possible after you receive your NTS. You must schedule your examination appointment at least five days in advance of the test date. To increase the likelihood that you will receive first choice of date,time and location,you should schedule at least 45 days before the desired test date(You must take each examination section within the time period for which an NTS is valid (before it expires).Your board of accountancy,NASBA,and Prometric are not responsible if you cannot schedule an appointment before a deadline expires in your jurisdiction. 最后,高頓網校的小編預祝大家都能收獲理想的成績,加油! |
考前沖刺:AICPA 考試試題 考試輔導