  The Longest Wait: Analyst Test-Takers Have Summer Of Fear
  WASHINGTON -- For months, they alternately ache for it and dreadit. They shake.
  They lose sleep.
  Methamphetamine addicts? Hardly. It is the thousands of peoplewho take the Chartered Financial Analyst exams, a multi-year series offinancial industry tests that require nearly a whole summer of waiting aftereach exam for the results, creating a nerve-wracking period of limbo right nowafter a grueling year of studying.
  "I didn't pick up a fiction book for three years,"recalls Beth Hamilton-Keen, an investment counselor at CIBC Private WealthManagement in Calgary, Canada, of her time cramming for the three required CFAexams in the late 1990s. "When you work a twelve-hour day, then you haveto fit it into your nights and weekends. Taking long plane rides helps a lot.You can't do anything else on a plane."
  Ask any academic, analyst or portfolio manager awaiting the CFAresults, and they will tell you: The wait for results is almost as bad as thetest itself, which quizzes participants on everything from accounting toethics.
  The tests, administered by the non-profit CFA Institute in theU.S., are given worldwide in 89 countries on the same day in early June.Results come out in late July for people who took the first-year test level,and later in August for the following two test levels. CFA candidates arecurrently in the thick of the waiting period, mulling over the questions theythink they flubbed.
  There has even been a liquor commercial made about it: In areality spot that was aired in South Africa last year, Bells Scotch Whiskey'scameras followed equity analyst Johan de Bruijn as he logged on to a computerto find out if he had passed the final level of the exam. The 28-year-old CapeTown resident, who hadn't slept the night before, jumped out of his chair andscreamed when he found out he had passed.
  "I've made it!" he bellowed as the logo for Bell'swhiskey appeared. "Ah, I'm shivering!"
  Bruijn recalls that day, nearly a year later. "I wasshivering because I was so relieved. It was more like shaking," he said.Immediately after the commercial was filmed, he went to his office and toldeveryone there he had completed the third level.
  "There is huge pressure on the candidate to pass,especially from colleagues, some of whom have already received theircharter," he said.
