The final CGA exams will be offered in September 2015. Students who do not complete their course study by the September deadline, and wish to pursue the
CPA Canada designation, will be re*uated by CPA Canada.
2014/15 Course Offerings
PA1 and PA2 will be offered in Sessions 1, 3 and 4.
FN2 will be offered in Session 1, 2 and 3.
BC1, BC2 and AT1 are no longer offered through CGA Online in 2014/2015.
As of the 2014/2015 academic year, these courses will no longer be required for the CGA designation requirements. This program change has been approved for 2014/2015 only.
No supplemental exam sitting will be available after the September, 2015 exam session.
Course Material Changes
AU1: A new course textbook will be used, “Auditing: An International Approach, 6th edition.
AU2: Updated to CAS standards in effect for 2014.
FA1: Updated edition of textbook (14th edition).
FA2 and FA3: Updated to IFRS and ASPE standards in effect for 2014.
FA4: Updated to the 7th edition of the Modern Advanced Accounting in Canada, and the relevant standards (IFRS, ASPE, NPO), in effect December 31, 2013
TX1: Updated to latest ITA, (2014-15 Edition, CCH) 98th Edition.
Program Expiry/Extensions
For students who complete all required CGA courses by fall, 2015, the program end date will be reset to fall 2018 if they require additional time to complete PERC or degree.
For students who have program end dates in 2014, an appeal will be required to extend this date to 2015.