If you are a returning 2009 FRM Exam Full candidate you will be charged an additional USD $150 for the Part I Enrollment Fee.  If you are a returning FRM candidate from 2008 or prior, you will be charged the full enrollment fee of $300.
  The enrollment fee is a fee for participating in the FRM Program.  This fee automatically entitles you to a complimentary one-year GARP Individual Membership (a USD $150 value) which includes premium access to content (Special Reports, Featured Stories, CRO Interviews, Industry Analysis); posting rights to blogs; special pricing on GARP products, programs and events; and more benefits of GARP Individual membership.
  NOTE: If you are a candidate that deferred from November 2010, you can elect to register for Part II on the same day as the May examination.  You will need to pay the Exam Registration fee only.
  Payment options for the November Administration of the FRM Exam
  IMPORTANT: In order for your registration to be considered complete and having been submitted by the appropriate registration deadline, the registration form AND payment must have been received by GARP or postmarked by midnight, New York, on July 31, 2011; August 31, 2011; or October 15, 2011, respectively.  Submitting just the registration/invoice without the correct amount due at that time will result in an incomplete payment and registration.  If your fee is paid at a later date, you will be charged the applicable fee as of the date that the payment is received by GARP.
  Secure On-line payment:
  Please follow the online instructions to pay the registration fee by credit card.
  GARP accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express.
  Only single payments per FRM Candidate registrations are accepted on-line.
  If you are paying for more than one candidate using the same credit card, please submit your payment via fax.
  Payment by check: (only foreign checks with US intermediate banks will be accepted)
  Print out my invoice so that I may post it with a US issued bank draft/ check (The check amount should include the US $50 processing fee)
  Checks should be made payable to the Global Association of Risk Professionals.
  We only accept checks on a US bank and payable in US Dollars.
  Note: there is a USD $50 processing charge that will be added to your fee for payment by check.
  Your full name and GARP ID MUST be written on your check. If this information is not provided, your payment will not be processed.
  Your invoice and check should be sent to the following address:
  Attn:  FRM Administration
  Global Association of Risk Professionals
  111 Town Square Place, Suite 1215
  Jersey City, NJ 07310
  Payment by fax or mail (including your credit card details):
  Print out my invoice so that I may post it with a US issued bank draft/check.  The check amount should include the USD $50 processing fee.
  GARP accepts Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Complete the credit card payment portion found on the bottom of your invoice. Be sure to include your entire credit card number, expiration date and CVV code. Don't forget to sign your authorization. Note: there is a USD $50 processing charge that will be added to your fee for manual credit card payments.
  Fax your completed form to us at: + or send the form to the address as noted above.
  Payment by Wire Transfer:
  Please direct wire transfer payments in USD funds as per the instructions that appear on your invoice.
  A USD $50 bank charge will be added to your invoice for each wire transfer. This bank charge is imposed by the bank. GARP has no control over this fee and does not receive any portion of the fee.
  Be sure to include your full name, GARP ID and invoice number on your wire transfer. If this information is not provided, your payment will not be processed.