Global central bankers said financial markets could suffer a bout of turbulence——again——when they begin to withdraw monetary stimulus.
  Janet Yellen and William C. Dudley of the Federal Reserve, Mexico’s Agustin Carstens and Bank of England Governor Mark Carney were among those to use a Paris conference of policy makers yesterday to talk about potential fallout from the eventual shift from record-low interest rates used to revive growth since the global financial crisis in 2008.
  Last week, the Fed announced the end of its bond buying program, which had been designed to keep long-term interest rates low, and upgraded its outlook for the U.S. labor market. The massive bond purchases have pushed the Fed's balance sheet up by more than $3 trillion to nearly $4.5 trillion.The Fed ended its bond buying program but its first increase in rates is not expected until mid-2015.
  “As employment, economic activity and inflation rates return to normal, monetary policy will eventually need to normalize too, although the speed and timing of this normalization will likely differ across countries based on differences in the pace of recovery in domestic conditions,”Yellen said.
  “The Federal Reserve will strive to clearly and transparently communicate its monetary policy strategy in order to minimize the likelihood of surprises that could disrupt financial markets,” Yellen said.
  The comments suggest central bankers are trying to prepare better for the global effects of any withdrawal than in 2013, when then-Chairman Ben S. Bernanke unexpectedly signaled the Fed could soon start reducing bond purchases. That pushed up yields and rattled investors worldwide in the so-called taper tantrum.
  She said that among the lessons learned from the crisis is that central banks need to be prepared to employ all available tools including unconventional policies such as bond buying to support economic growth and achieve optimal inflation rates.
  “In advanced economies, the current macroeconomic policy mix generally remains one of extraordinary monetary policy stimulus and somewhat contractionary fiscal policy,” Ms. Yellen said. “Considering the headwinds that continue to weigh on growth, employment and prices, this situation is hardly ideal.”