高頓網(wǎng)校小編為陜西的考生介紹一下2014 HKICPA EXAMNATION DETAIL,如下:

  Candidates who are required to sit more than one paper may choose to sit all papers or just one paper at each session.  The Council rules that paper-by-paper passes are allowed and that there is no time limit restricting the validity of such passes.
  Syllabuses for the respective PC papers are as follows:
  PC-Law: Independent syllabus
  PC-Business Assurance: Syllabus adopts that of  Module C – Business Assurance of the Institute’s QP
  PC-Taxation: Syllabus adopts that of Module D – Taxation of the Institute’s QP
  The examination for each PC paper lasts for 3 hours in an open-book format. All answers must be presented in English. Each PC paper is divided into two sections and the marks allocation are as follows:
  Essay / Short Questions :50
  In an open-book examination, candidates are allowed to bring into the examination hall their own notes and reference materials, irrespective of the quantity. Candidates are only allowed to use noiseless and cordless calculators. Programmable calculators may be used in the open-book examination provided that the calculators are without communication function. However, computers and electronic dictionaries of any size or model are NOT allowed.
  NO tax rate/allowance table will be provided in the question papers for the PC-Taxation paper.
  Candidates will receive by ordinary post the Examination Attendance Docket containing details of the examination centre and other examination regulations and guidelines about two weeks prior to the examination.  Candidates are required to produce the Docket for admission to the examination centre and observe the regulations and guidelines therein.
  Candidates should notify the Institute by email to pef@hkicpa.org.hk immediately if they have not received the Docket 1 week prior to the examination.  Last minute request for the Docket will not be processed.
  NO overseas examination centre is provided.  Candidates are required to take the PC Examinations in Hong Kong.  The examination for 2013 is tentatively scheduled to be held in Asia World-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport.  Candidates should refer to the Examination Attendance Docket issued by Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority for the assinged examination venue.