It is estimated that there are now more smartphones_ 1 people on the planet,the manufacture and disposal of phones are clear environmental_ 2.The US_ 3_ has more than a quarter of a billion phones ready to be recycled and an extra 11 million are__ 4_ to this figure every month.It is reported_ 5__ less than 20%of these planes and up actually being recycled metals that are used in the_ 6 of smartphones are precious resources.Same_ 7 metals are often mined in extremely poor.Working conditions if phones are not recycled more and more of these metals_ 8 _to be mind to keep up with the demand for new models And when phones are buried under the ground harmful elements leak into the.9,polluting groundwater to reduce the negative effect of this problem we should think_ 10 about how to recycle our old phones.
What I hate most is to keep birds in cages.We enjoy them while they are shut up in prison.I must say that I always love birds,but there is a proper way of doing it.One who loves birds should plant trees,so that the house will be surrounded with hundreds of shady branches and be a home for birds.
Chinese medicine is a unique medical system and an important part of traditional Chinese culture.Different from Western medicine,Chinese medicine treats the human body as a whole and interacis with the surrounding env ironment.Traditional Chinese medicine is broad and profound,and is considered to be the fifth greatest invention in China,which dleserves more atention and research.
In this section,write an essay on How to Play a Leading Role in the National Reading Campaign based on the following information.
The first National Conference on Reading was held in Beijing on 23 April and a national campaign was launched to promote people's love of reading.As a college student,how should you play a leading role in this campaign?Your essay should include
(1)Your understanding of the national reading campaign;
(2)How to play a leading role in the campaign.
How to Play a Leading Role in the National Reading Campaign Living in an informative age.we are unavoidably exposed to enormous challenges,which has brought us a lot of benefis but also triggered a host of serious problems as well,one of which is that an increasing number of people are ignoring the importance of reading.In response lo this problem,a national reading campaign was held to encourage people to pick up books and feel the charm of reading so to promote people's love of reading.which is my understanding of this campaign.
As a college student,we should play a leading role in this campaign.First of all,needless to say,we should start from ourselves and set a good example for others.