Elastic:elastic goods are goods for which the change in demand is larger than the change in price
Inelastic:inelastic goods are goods for which the change in demand is smaller than the change in price
2.解釋target pricing和target costing,并define做出這兩個的main step
3.解釋value engineering,并說明與何種定價方法有關
It is a systematic approach to assessing all aspects of the value chain cost buildup for a product.The purpose is to minimize costs without reducing customer satisfaction.(It requires identifying value-added and non-value added cost.It requires distinguishing between cost incurrence and locked-in cost) life cycle costing
4.解釋life-cycle并說為什么在life-cycle的不同階段的商品定價不同explain why it will differs when pricing by??life-cycle cost?
Perfect competition:the price curve is represented by a horizontal line because the individual firm is unable to affect the price so they must accept the market price
Monopoly:The firm can strongly influence price as the sole supplier of product
Monopoly competition:The firms have limited control over price